BAYKO Product Details Late - 1938 [to 1940]

During this brief particular period, BAYKO parts remained completely unchanged from the previous period, and continued to be made throughout from red, white and green BAKELITE, with large brown Bases…
In many ways this period is just an extension of the 1937 to 1938 period, but there is one key difference.
Very rare Set 5A produced only during these few months
In the second half of 1938 a fundamental change occurred to the #6 Set in that the colour scheme was changed to the standard red roofs, red and white bricks and green windows but with, effectively, the same contents as their 'Oak' and white predecessors.
A #5A conversion set [left] now made sense and was also introduced.
The smaller sets #1 to #5 and the related conversion sets #1A to #4A weren't affected.
Despite this change, all BAYKO sets could still be ordered, in the “De-Luxe” 'Oak' and White colour scheme, right up to the war.
Recent evidence indicates that this isn't quite the end of the story…
Late conversion set 3A - click here for a larger image
…and I now know that all five BAYKO conversion sets from this period remained available right up to the war, this explains the slightly cryptic heading.
The BAYKO conversion set #3A [right] has several points of interest : -
The austerity label on the lid, with no pretence of marketing artwork, suggesting this is a post 'New Series' item.
The internal label showing that the set contains Tie Bars.
The extra label saying that these Tie Bars had been replaced with Floors.
These latter labels only appeared in 'New Series' sets shortly before wartime restrictions stopped production around 1941.
Extra label stuck on the inside of the lid showing that Tie Bars had been replaced by Floors
This strongly suggests that the older-style conversion sets continued in production alongside the range of 'New Series' sets, allowing people with older-style BAYKO sets to continue to upgrade their much-loved sets.
There is further circumstantial evidence to support this in the form of a 'New Series' era Parts Price List which had BAYKO set details, including the older-style conversion sets, on the reverse…
There were two versions of the full manual for sets #1 to #6, but only the later version overlaps this comparatively limited period…
Front cover of the first manual for sets #1 to #6
Strangely, both versions of the manual for sets #1 to #6 which were in circulation from late 1935 to 1938 contain errors in the contents lists shown for several of the conversion sets…
…initially I thought this may be due to the contents changes initiated in 1935, but that doesn't answer all the questions, particularly why they still weren't corrected in the later version…
You may want to know more about the full range of BAYKO manuals, if so…
Page 6 of the manual showing the Tie Bars oversticker
At around this time, Binding Strips began to be replaced by Straight Tie-Bars. This was almost certainly driven by cost rather than a desired design change.
The image [left], which is shown courtesy of Chris Reeve] shows, at the bottom, the oversticker used in the manual, bearing the legend : -
“In place of the Binding Strips small metal Tie Bars have been substituted, these being more convenient and less noticeable in the” final model.

If you would like information on the price of BAYKO sets during this period, click on one of the links below.
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

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Latest update - August 11, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.