I wasn't quite sure where to put this information and have finally decided to make a separate page of it, in the Sales and Marketing section, though it would obviously fit equally well on the Exhibitions page… |
There is an element of consistency in the use of the 'Block of Flats' model during the 1950s, probably more accurately dated from mid 1951, shortly before the launch of set #3X which converted the set #3 into a set #4. |
There can be no doubt that the modeller [right], belatedly inspired by Plimpton's marketeers, has used a little “modeller's licence”, but it is non-the-less a fine model… |
…it also excellently demonstrates the success and longevity of this model and the contribution it made to really firing up the BAYKO market post rationing - and indeed it's obviously still doing so! |
The information below shows just how widely these two models, the Block of Luxury Flats and Country Club, featured in the BAYKO hobby. |
1951 British Industries Fair BAYKO BROCHURE |
F C |
P 1 |
C F |
C F |
B of F |
R C |
239 mm x 223 mm = 9.4 x 8.75 inches |
Plimpton added a further line of attack by printing a flier, in February, 1952, which modellers could write in for, showing the parts required to build the 'Block of Flats', hoping people would have a go! |
Why don't you [rather belatedly it must be admitted] have a go yourself!!! |
The leaflet itself was presented with a single, vertical fold, thus creating a small, 4 page booklet format, which is actually shown here [below] folded flat. |
The 'Block of Flats' parts list was printed on the back page of the leaflet. |
Country Club and Block of Luxury Flats - Model Parts Required Lists |
R C |
F R O N T C O V E R |
On the two inside pages is the parts list for another famous model which is also associated with the manuals from set #3X and set #4 - the Country Club. |
I only wish I had a photo of the first 'Country Club' I ever saw - displayed by Malcolm Hanson at the Liverpool BAYKO exhibition in 1994 - and, very sadly, demolished [by accident!] at the end of the show. |
This is a fairly complex model and demonstrates some innovative uses of several parts. |
228 x 145 mm = 9.0 x 5.7 inches [open] |
There is actually a second version of the above document, though perhaps it would be more accurate to describe it as a simple reprint, which is identical other than its date code which is for “8/54” - August, 1954. |
Block of Flats Model Front Cover |
Country Club Model Rear Cover |
Again I urge you to have a go - start collecting those bases! |
Finally, I have two letters which were enclosed with copies of the above Parts List : - |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information. |