BAYKO U.K. Trademark #552,209 Registration

Well, this is a first, a copy of page 1200 of 'The Trade Marks Journal', dated September 12th, 1934. As far as I can ascertain, there are no records in existence of any supporting literature, so this is, almost certainly, the earliest mention of BAYKO anywhere…
…in due course, I will visit Companies House to double check, but initial contacts suggest that no BAYKO related literature remains.

Page 1200 of the Trade Marks Journal, dated September 12th, 1934
This small, classified advert sized mention of BAYKO was located at the bottom right hand corner of the image. [right]
The image [left] is shown courtesy of the British Library, 96, Euston Road, London, to whom many thanks for their prompt responses.
The script, under the subheading of “Class 49”, which relates to games and toys, is very short and to the point : -
“552,209. Toys and Games. CHARLES BIRD PLIMPTON, 39, Hamilton Road, Wallasey, Cheshire; Manufacturer.-27th June, 1934.”
Interestingly, that meant the C.B. Plimpton “owned” the trademark personally, not the Plimpton Engineering Company…
…presumably this would then have passed to his widow, Audrey, following his death on December 29th, 1948
…it might be interesting to find out how, if at all, this affected the MECCANO takeover.

For the record, there have been three other U. K. Trademark registrations of the name BAYKO : -
July 16th, 1965
Class 22
Synthetic textile fibres, stuffing materials
July 16th, 1965
Class 23
Yarns and threads
May 31st, 2002
Class 28
Parts for toys
For those who are wondering, the last entry is by Brian Salter who now manufactures an innovative range of BAYKO spare parts.

The above announcement was also picked up by 'Toy Trader' in October, 1934
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - August 11, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.