Second BAYKO Patent - #613,767

For completeness the original British BAYKO patent, #422,645, was granted to Charles Bird Plimpton, BAYKO's inventor, on January 16th, 1935, in recognition of the innovative nature of the toy.
2nd BAYKO patent front page - click here for larger image
The second patent, and its impact, was, sadly, somewhat different.
2nd patent page 2
Application was made on July 2nd, 1946 with additions on June 4th and 21st 1947.
Patent #613,767 was finally granted on December 2nd, 1948, just days before C.B.'s untimely death, which happened towards the end of the same month.
This might explain the fact that few of the ideas were realised…
…clear evidence, I believe, that C.B. was the innovator.
The prime mover for the patent was a modular roofing system proposing the use of standard BAYKO Rods to hold the roof sections together.
Perhaps the big issue, looking at the proposal, was the fact that it would have required quite a significant number of new mouldings - a bit of a risk, perhaps, when contemplating the return on investment…
…or maybe they proved too fiddly for little fingers…
…then again, perhaps they just weren't realistic enough in practice!
2nd patent page 3
2nd patent page 4
2nd patent page 5
The drawing [below] was the only one included in the final specification.
There were several different items which did see the light of day, significantly enhancing the BAYKO product range : -
2nd patent page 6 - the drawing - click here for larger image
However, arguably more of these dreams. including some highly desirable enhancements, never became a reality : -
Flat roofs.
Modular roofs?
Roof ends.
Modular roof ends?
Gable roof.
Modular form including potential “Mansard” roofing?
Hatched pattern.
Possible forerunner of the 1950s corner brick - submitted as a roof ridge section!
Sloping “semi roof” extension pieces for roofing areas below the main roof height?
Personally I think it's a shame that the full modular roofing system wasn't introduced as I particularly enjoy building large models and, at times, lack of appropriate roofing can be a significant constraint.
I actually wrote to Plimpton in 1959 - great timing! - complaining about the limited Roof sizes…
…if only I'd known!
BAYKO letters patent #613,767
The image [below] shows what I presume to be the formal 'letters patent' which, in this case, were issued to “Margaret Audrey Plimpton, legal representative of Charles Bird Plimpton, deceased”, on May 20th, 1949.
Left - the 'letters patent' #613,767, complete with official Patent Office Seal.
The formal citation says that the patent was granted for “Improvements in constructional toys”.
Letters Patent, renewal details
Above - the U.K. patent renewal details with the key dates clearly shown.
Interestingly the renewal date is based on the date of initial application.
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