This Instruction Manual was the last style to be produced by MECCANO for their BAYKO sets #11 to #14. this version is the middle one of those, and again 100,000 copies were produced. |
This manual was also included in set #15 together with the special leaflets for that set… |
It is print coded April, 1962. Strangely, while the content is almost identical to the previous version, it is, never-the-less, completely new type-setting - Mr. MECCANO obviously didn't reuse his printing plates. |
The 24 pages are printed throughout in red, green, yellow and black on white, gloss paper. |
There is a single significant difference between this and the previous version on page 3 [below]. The fourth paragraph, which deals with the order in which the diagram tells you to install the BAYKO parts, has been rewritten. |
Size - 222mm x 190mm = 8.75 x 7.5 inches. |
For more information on the contemporary production period : - |
For information on the manuals that 'bracket' and overlap this version : - |
F R O N T |
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R E A R |
If you would like to view this manual, hot off the press, as it were… |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information.