This Instruction Manual was the first version of the later style to be produced by MECCANO for their BAYKO sets #11 to #14. MECCANO printed 100,000 copies of this version - a pretty rapid follow up to the initial 250,000! |
It is print coded February, 1961, and was probably linked to the launch of sets #13 and possibly #14. |
There is a slightly different, earlier version which is best known for the differences in the children on the front cover… |
There are no other manuals overlapping this one. |
The 24 pages are printed in red, green, yellow and black on white, gloss paper. |
These images of the boy and girl on the front cover of this BAYKO manual [below] have been changed from the original 1960 MECCANO era version. |
Page 16 [below] has also been slightly altered from the original version, by the reinstatement of the instruction to use a rubber band to support the 2-Brick Rod used between the two Large Windows above the open porch at the front of the model shown. |
Size - 222mm x 190mm = 8.75 x 7.5 inches. |
For more information on the contemporary production period : - |
For information on the manuals that 'bracket' this version : - |
F R O N T |
4 |
5 |
8 |
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12 |
13 |
16 |
17 |
20 |
21 |
R E A R |
If you would like to view this manual, as if it were hot off the press… |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information.