BAYKO Set #3X Instruction Manual -
May, 1952 - 4th Issue

This particular Instruction Manual was the 4th of the six issues of this style of manual, which was produced, by Plimpton, for their BAYKO conversion set #3X.
This manual was intended for people who bought a set #3X to convert their set #3 to a set #4 - therefore the models in this manual can only be built with a set #4. These manuals were, from this point, until August, 1954, included, alongside a sets #0 to #3 manual, in set #4.
It is print coded May, 1952. The printers code also suggests that 10,000 copies were printed.
This manual overlaps with the sets #0 to #3 manuals printed in September, 1951 and November, 1951.
The manual was printed by J.H. Leeman Ltd., Leighton Printing Works, Neston, Wirral. It has full colour front and rear covers, showing the famous models of the 'Block of Flats' and 'Country Club', respectively…
…the other 22 pages are printed in red, green and black on white, gloss paper.
When set #3X was launched, in 1951, it did not include the Dome or the Pinnacle Roof and Platform. However, when set #4 was launched, these three parts were included, and were retrofitted to the set #3X. The set contents lists on the Inside Front Cover [below] have been amended accordingly, in this issue. However, as no models using these parts were included in the manual, a cross reference has been added to this page, linking to the rear of the sets #0 to #3 manual.
The trivial typo, where Side Bricks Red was incorrectly rendered as “Side Windows Red” in the parts required list, has finally been corrected in this issue.

Size - 250mm x 185mm = 9.8 x 7.3 inches.
This is labelled as the 4th issue.

10,000 copies were printed.

For more information on the contemporary production period : -
For information on the manuals that 'bracket' and overlap with this version : -

Click on any of the thumbnail images [below] to see a larger sized image.

Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952, Front Cover showing the famous model of the Block of Flats
Inside front cover of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 1 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 2 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 3 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 4 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 5 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 6 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 7 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 8 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 9 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 10 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 11 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
{age 12 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 13 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 14 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 15 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 16 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 17 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 18 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 19 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Page 20 of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Inside rear cover of the Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952
Plimpton era set #3X manual, May, 1952, Rear Cover showinf the famous model of the Country Club

Click on any of the thumbnail images [above] to see a larger sized image.

If you would like to see the manual hot off the press, as it were…
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

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