This Instruction Manual was produced by Plimpton for their basic range of BAYKO sets - sets #0 to #3, and was the bread and butter of BAYKO's heydays, with a total of 20 issues being printed. |
It is print coded January, 1950 and, as such, is one of the earlier versions, which can be easily identified by the red border to the picture on the front cover. Such manuals pre-date the introduction of sets #3X and #4 in 1951 and 1952 respectively. The print code also suggests that Plimpton printed 55,000 copies of this edition. |
As well as being included in sets #0 to #3, this manual was sold for 1/6 [7½p]. |
This manual has a full colour cover, the rest of the 40 pages are printed in red, green and black on white, gloss paper. |
Unlike its predecessor, this issue of the sets #0 to #3 BAYKO manual does have the price printed, in the slot provided, on the front cover [below]. Originally I made a mistake [I know, another one!], somehow I changed the colour of the word “INSTRUCTIONS” around the 'price disc' to white, whereas it should have been yellow - for the final time, subsequent versions really did change to white. My grateful thanks to Roger Spendlove for pointing out my error. |
Pages 1 and 33 [below] 1 include BAYKO spare parts prices, though those quoted still require the 25% purchase tax to be added. |
Size - 250mm x 185mm = 9.8 x 7.3 inches. This was the 2nd issue. Number of this issue that were printed - 55,000. |
For more information on the contemporary production period : - |
For information on the manuals that 'bracket' this version : - |
Click on any of the thumbnail images [below] to see a larger sized image.
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B A C K |
Click on any of the thumbnail images [above] to see a larger sized image.
If you would like to see the manual hot off the press, as it were… |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information.