This Instruction Manual was the first to be produced by Plimpton in support of the launch of their 'New Series' BAYKO sets, in May, 1939, and lasted around two years. |
There is no printers code to confirm the date for this earliest version, though it was certainly first issued in 1939… |
…the second and subsequent versions are clearly later than this, but the date of 1940 is only a guess. |
The manual was printed by Robert Johnson & Co. Ltd. of Southport, Lancashire. It comprises 34 black and white pages, including photos of models, on glossy, white paper and the insides of the cover, with a two colour cover [red and green] on thicker, white paper / thin card. |
I also own another copy of this version of the manual, presumably dated 1940-ish, which has a different BAYKO set [and conversion set] price list glued over the original at the top of page 2 [right]. |
The manual was then reprinted - version 2 - with these prices included. |
This being the first version of this style of manual, there can be no differences from any earlier version, thus, this is the key page which changes in the subsequent versions. However : - |
For some reason, between the pages covered above and below this particular entry, confusion rained between the Parts List for the set contents on the inside of the front cover, and the Spare Parts price list on page 2. |
The “Pinnacle Half Platform”, as it was called when launched in the 20s series the previous year, is called a “Bay Window Cover” in the former, and a “Bay Window Roof” in the latter. This was never corrected during the 'New Series' period. |
An important detail, on the set contents list on page 2, is that the Screws for Base Links are specified as 5BA, though this is not referenced in the Spare Parts Price List on page 4! |
There's a type-setting error on page 18 [below] - “Green Wnidows” - not corrected until the final post-war version… |
Size - 220mm x 141mm = 8.7 x 5.6 inches. |
As well as this manual, larger sets also included several Model Cards providing detailed diagrams of models not printed in the manual : - |
For further information on this production period : - | |
Click on any of the thumbnail images [below] to see a larger version
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Click on any of the thumbnail images [above] to see a larger version
If you would like to see the manual hot of the press, as it were… |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information.