This small manual was produced, by Plimpton, to support their [then] new 20s series BAYKO sets, which were launched in 1938, and survived until the war. |
There is no printers code to confirm the launch date, 1938, is known from other sources. |
In addition, there is ample evidence to demonstrate that these manuals doubled as advertising fliers, and were regularly included with standard sets. Alas, I can't prove whether this was done by Plimpton, at source, or later, at the toy shop. |
The manual comprises just 8 pages all on matt, cream paper, printed in red, green and orange - the latter colour being unique to these sets. |
Size -
140mm x 200mm = 5.5 x 7.85 inches. |
For further information on this production period : - | |
This manual overlapped with 2 other BAYKO production periods : - | |
In addition there is an error with one of the models on page 4, can you spot it? |
Answer below… |
F R O N T |
3 |
4 |
R E A R |
…the upside-down Pinnacle Roof in the Fountain - page 4, top right [above] - is shown as white, not orange - the only colour available at the time. To the best of my knowledge, white Pinnacle Roofs were never included in these sets. |
As a new feature, I have now added a page to show this manual more realistically… |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information.