BAYKO Manual - Sets #20 to #23 -1938 to 1942?

This small manual was produced, by Plimpton, to support their [then] new 20s series BAYKO sets, which were launched in 1938, and survived until the war.
There is no printers code to confirm the launch date, 1938, is known from other sources.
There are actually two slightly different versions of this manual, a fact first identified by Roger Spendlove. The difference is relatively small and can be found on the front cover. Underneath the BAYKO logo, the words “MOULDED IN BAKELITE” are included in this case, but not the other version. I'm afraid I have no idea which of the two versions is the earlier, however, to me, it makes more sense to add an accurate / honest slogan than to remove one, so I suggest that this is the later version.
Just for completeness, the only example of this version of the manual, i.e. with the inclusion, that I have ever seen was printed on a slightly higher quality, semi-gloss paper - possibly consistent with a commercial approach to the launch?
These sets were complete, if quite restricted in size, but the rear cover shows the opportunities for augmenting the standard sets which was perhaps the key market they were aimed at, effectively replacing the earlier Accessory sets A,B & C.
The last printed line, towards the right of this, the last page of the manual, is the printer related legend : -
J R H & S
Thanks to Stephen Berry of Newport, South Wales for working through the 1938, KELLY'S DIRECTORY of LIVERPOOL, and providing us with the following information, filling out the gaps in the above, for which, many thanks : -
James R Hill & Sons
16, Great George Street
In addition, there is ample evidence to demonstrate that these manuals doubled as advertising fliers, and were regularly included with standard sets. Alas, I can't prove whether this was done by Plimpton, at source, or later, at the toy shop.
The manual comprises just 8 pages all on matt, cream paper, printed in red, green and orange - the latter colour being unique to these sets.

Size - 140mm x 200mm = 5.5 x 7.85 inches.

For further information on this production period : -
This manual overlapped with 2 other BAYKO production periods : -

In addition there is an error with one of the models on page 4, can you spot it?
Answer below…

Click on any of the thumbnail images to see a larger image.

Manual issued with Special Sets #20 to #23 from 1938 to 1942 - Front Cover
Manual issued with Special Sets #20 to #23 from 1938 to 1942 - Page 1
Manual issued with Special Sets #20 to #23 from 1938 to 1942 - Page 2
Manual issued with Special Sets #20 to #23 from 1938 to 1942 - Page 3
Manual issued with Special Sets #20 to #23 from 1938 to 1942 - Page 4
Manual issued with Special Sets #20 to #23 from 1938 to 1942 - Page 5
Manual issued with Special Sets #20 to #23 from 1938 to 1942 - Page 6
Manual issued with Sets #1 to 6 from 1939 to 1940 - Rear cover

…the upside-down Pinnacle Roof in the Fountain - page 4, top right [above] - is shown as white, not orange - the only colour available at the time. To the best of my knowledge, white Pinnacle Roofs were never included in these sets.
As a new feature, I have now added a page to show this manual more realistically…
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - November 24, 2023
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.