This section shows, in chronological order, various documents which were used by Plimpton or MECCANO to communicate information about BAYKO to their retailers and / or to receive orders from them. I would like to record my appreciation to several kindred spirits for sharing their images with me, and, of course, I am happy to reciprocate. |
If you have any other trade leaflets that I'm not displaying here, either for sale or to lend, then I'd love hear from you so that I can add them to the site, similarly if I can help you in the same way… |
Most of these documents, certainly during the Plimpton era, are functional rather that attractive, but they contain a wealth of information, so I hope you enjoy them. |
April 1950 - Plimpton Era Quotation Sheet |
This excellent document is shown courtesy of Indira Throp. |
Front |
Rear |
The images above are both actually a scan of a scan, as it were, so the quality may not be quite as good as usual. |
The leaflet is a simple sheet, printed double sided, but, somewhat surprisingly, is based on the standard Spare Parts Price List [Ref. 2], a fact which is echoed in its reference number - Ref. 2Q. |
► |
Side 1 includes the full standard Spare Parts Price List, unchanged as far as I can see. |
► |
Side 2 retains the Set Price List, but not the Supplementary Parts Price List - an odd omission, meaning that parts such as Turrets aren't included at all! |
It also contains the commercial terms and conditions, etc. : - |
❶ |
The price of a full “Cabinet of Spare Parts” is quoted as “£16/15/0” [£16.75] - if only. |
❷ |
“Trade Discount - Less 33⅓%” - effectively allowing a 50% profit margin for the BAYKO retailer. |
❸ |
“Settlement Discount 2½% 30 Days” - allowing almost 4% additional profit to the retailer. |
❹ |
“All consignments to the nett value of £2 are sent Carriage Paid” - a modest little incentive to spend at least £2! |
❺ |
“Showcards, Leaflets, Etc. Can Be Supplied Free Of Charge” - I wish these had been detailed! |
❻ |
“Cartons Free - please return Carriage Forward” - subsidised recycling 65 years ago! Presumably these were robust, 'transport-proof' cartons, and, as such, would have been fairly expensive… |
The underlining is faithful to the original - my apologies if you mistook them for hyperlinks. |
The purpose of this document is self explanatory, but the fact that the print run was for 1,000, suggests that the need to accommodate any would-be BAYKO retailers was on a substantial scale. Given that we believe there were around 3,000 active BAYKO retailers in the 1950s, there could have been a change in terms and conditions which needed to be communicated, but then, surely, the print run would have been at least three times as big - so I believe the buoyant market argument wins the day. |
February 1st, 1955 Plimpton Era BAYKO Price List - Retail |
This document, [left] is clearly dated February, 1955, however, although the card could be used as a conventional advertising Flier, I suspect it was primarily intended for use as a quick reference document for BAYKO retailers. |
The suspicion that any newly issued, dated price card such as this heralds a price change are confirmed with reference to 'MECCANO Magazine' where the advertised BAYKO set prices were perfectly synchronised, being changed on the same date, i.e. the February, 1955 issue. |
The cynical among you will have suspected a price increase, but, in fact, the prices of sets #2, #3 and #4 and conversions sets #1X and #3X actually came down!!! |
Just as an aside, notice that all the prices were still being advertised in shillings, not pounds. |
Interestingly, probably because of the contemporary factory move from Gibraltar Row, Liverpool 3 to Tabley Street, Liverpool 1, the address quoted on the bottom line is just restricted to “Liverpool”. |
Unusually for a piece of 1950s printing, this card has no printer's details. |
October, 1955 - Plimpton Era Wholesale Set Price List - Large |
This small price card - 150 x 100 mm - [ish] - is dated October 27th, 1955. |
There is a second, smaller version of this card [below]. It has identical set price information, but lacks the trade terms information… |
…I can offer no explanation for this, I'm afraid, unless this was aimed at the office. |
It shows the prices which Plimpton charged their retailers for their supplies of BAYKO sets. |
With a little bit of simple maths, you can work out the retailers' profit margins… |
…don't forget, Retail Price Maintenance was in force in the U.K., so the margins were the same for everybody. |
October, 1955 - Plimpton Era Wholesale Set Price List - Small |
This small price card - 140 x 90 mm - [ish] - is also dated October 27th, 1955. |
There is a second, larger version of this card [above]. It has identical set price information, but additionally includes the BAYKO trade terms information… |
…I can offer no explanation for this, I'm afraid, unless this was aimed, literally, at the [toy] shop floor, which I doubt, given it holds cost price information. |
It shows the prices which Plimpton charged their retailers for their supplies of BAYKO sets. |
With a little bit of simple maths, you can work out the retailers' profit margins… |
…don't forget, Retail Price Maintenance was in force in the U.K., so the margins were the same for everybody. |
It looks like this was spiked - either that or it was kept on a largish ring[?], or string, for quick access! |
January 1st, 1956 Plimpton Letter to India - Wholesale Export Prices |
This [right] is page two of a letter which was sent, by Plimpton, to Bepin Behary Das and Grandson on Kolkata [Calcutta], India. |
The key point of interest here is the list of Wholesale BAYKO Set Prices, which is the first item on the page… |
If you click anywhere on the image, you will launch a larger version of the BAYKO Set Wholesale Prices. |
You may notice that the quoted prices are similar to those shown [immediately above] for the domestic market just three months earlier. |
These differences are, at least in part, explained by the February 1st, 1956 price reductions which the first page of the letter was communicating. |
The abbreviated “Liverpool” address is probably related to the September, 1955 factory move. |
The second half of the page two contains details of the Wholesale Despatch Packaging, sizes and weights, used for the export business, and probably for parts, at least, of the domestic business as well. However, the cardboard used for the domestic market may well have been cheaper, thinner and hence lighter… |
Early 1960 - MECCANO Dealers Letter |
This document [left] is a MECCANO Dealers Letter, of sorts, clearly not intended for release to the general public - it is clearly marked “Confidential” in the top right hand corner. |
I have never seen this type of document before, so I will let it speak for itself - “This Trade and Retail Price List is intended to assist you completing your main season's order for 1960.” |
The BAYKO section is to the left hand side of the document, in the second section from the top, of the front of this double-sided document. Slide your mouse over the image to highlight it. |
There are two key points to be gleaned from this document. |
► |
Firstly the document refers to “New Style BAYKO Outfits”, but lists them as being sets 1, 2, 3 and 4, with “Accessory Outfits” as being 1X, 2X and 3X. [Note, these equate to Plimpton era numbering of sets #0 to #3, and #0X to #2X.] The decision to renumber the set had clearly been made by the time of the printing of the document immediately below, which means that this document must be earlier than May, 1960. The opportunities for confusion between the far too similar systems is self evident. |
► |
Secondly, both retail and wholesale prices are listed, allowing me to calculate the mark up. For BAYKO they vary between 73% and 75%. I suggest that the latter was the target, but the importance the actual price point shaved the margin in some instances. This seems to be in line with the prices quoted in the document for both MECCANO itself and HORNBY CLOCKWORK TRAINS. |
It's perhaps worth coupling this document, with the one immediately below, the “Confused Brochure” and the “Confused Document”, with their product errors, to sum up quite nicely MECCANO's lack of a consistent, coherent strategy for BAYKO. |
This document is shown courtesy of the
HORNBY Railway Collectors Association. |
May 1960 - MECCANO Dealers News Letter |
This document [right] is again a MECCANO Dealers News Letter, sent, by Mr MECCANO, to his U.K. dealers and retailers, and is dated 30th May, 1960… |
…presumably sent to retailers by MECCANO in June, 1960. |
The BAYKO section is the bottom third of the front of this double-sided document. |
The script is simple, if, with hindsight, a little optimistic! |
“It has been decided to number the four new Outfits 11, 12, 13 and 14. The Accessory Outfits in the new range will be 11c, 12c and 13c.” |
“First supplies of the new Bayko are expected for September/October despatch, and in the meantime we are able to accept orders for the existing sets numbered 0 to 4 and 0x to 3x.” |
There was further optimism in that the prices quoted here for conversion sets 10C [“7/6”] and 11C [[“9/-”] finally actually emerged as [“8/3” and [“10/9”, respectively! |
Click anywhere on the image [right] to see the BAYKO section in more detail. |
Autumn 1960 - MECCANO Dealers Letter - T.V. Advertising Plans |
Interior |
Exterior |
After several thousand years chasing dead ends, shadows and wild geese, I can finally provide proof [above] that the world's first and finest plastic construction toy was actually advertised, on U.K. T.V. - hooray!!! If you slide your mouse over the two images above, you'll highlight the BAYKO content of the document. Click on them to display a larger, legible image of the specific BAYKO content. |
This, sadly undated, double-sided document is another Letter to Retailers and has what is surely a machine fold, exactly halving its height - presumably to fit a smaller envelope. There are no print codes, following the norm of Mr MECCANO's in-house printing operation. |
The document emerged on eBay at Christmas, 2021, proffered as being from 1963, as it had emerged among a job lot of documentation from that year. In BAYKO terms this makes no sense, as the programme clearly supports the relaunch of the re-tooled BAYKO from the MECCANO era, [just!] ahead of Christmas 1960. The document actually supports all four of MECCANO's key products and mentions dates as early as Sunday, October 23rd - that day/date combination confirming that it is indeed referencing 1960 - also, given that it encourages Dealers to stock up for Christmas, suggesting that Autumn 1960 is the most likely release date for the document - say early September, 1960. |
The BAYKO T.V. advert was to be shown on ALL I.T.V. regional channels on Wednesday, November 23rd, 1960; again on Saturday, December 3rd, 1960; and [everywhere except Ulster] on a third [unspecified] date in the first couple of weeks in December, 1960 - sorry Ulster! This compares with the planned eight showings of the advert for MECCANO itself. |
The BAYKO T.V. campaign was to be supported by “introductory half-pages in Swift, Girl and TV Comic” and, though not mentioned here, full-pages in the last four 'MECCANO Magazine' issues, i.e. September through December, 1960. |
Sadly I've not yet been able to secure a copy of the 'SWIFT' comic advert - I'd love to hear from you if you can help… |
Now, I was short-trousered and the ripe old age of 10 at the time, and we did have a telly, but I sadly never saw the adverts. Also I can't see the logic behind the choice of comics - 'GIRL' yes, but the other two certainly weren't high on my radar at the time. |
I know I risk being shown as repeatedly being down on Mr. MECCANO, but, given the abysmal product delivery achievements, with sets #11 and #12 [alone] only just limping into toy shops by mid-December, 1960, there are too many confidence-sapping factors for my thumb emoji to go anywhere near upwards. |
Hidden in the script relating to the MECCANO advertising strategy, though no actual timings are mentioned, is the comment that four adverts will be shown “on Sunday afternoons, when parents and children look in together.” Presumably this was to maximise ‘pester-power’. |
For completeness, the full BAYKO-related scripts from both sides of the document are shown below, aligned in the obvious way : - |
“Bayko building outfits in their new improved form will get a country-wide showing in advertising Magazines. The national ITV network will carry Bayko on 23rd November [Wednesday] and 3rd December [Saturday]. There'll be an additional transmission on all stations (except Ulster) in the first or second week in December.” |
Then an afterthought related to all four products warned : - |
“N.B. TV contractors reserve the right to modify the above arrangements without notice.” |
“BAYKO - new, improved Bayko gets introductory half-pages in Swift, Girl and TV Comic.” |
Oh yes - BAYKO is also included as the bottom item on the mini product list which completes the Christmas bauble decoration! |
There is a further entry on the exterior [right, above] under the heading “MAKE YOUR ADVERTISING WORK FOR YOU” which spells out the recommended approach to advertising “In your Local Paper”. The full script reads as follows : - |
“We invite you to join us in your local paper, where we shall be showing 8" [i.e. 8 inch] double-column advertisements in the week commencing November 29th.” |
“We attach a proof of this advertisement and a list of the papers selected. All you have to do is get in touch with the newspaper now and ask for your advertisement to be displayed next to our insertion. This will cost you next to nothing - but it makes highly effective advertising!” |
That concludes the information from this excellent, rich document. |
December 1960 - MECCANO Dealers Letter |
This document [left] is a MECCANO Dealers Letter, of sorts, clearly not intended for release to the general public - it is clearly marked “Confidential” in the top right hand corner. |
I can't be sure of the inter-relationship between this style of document and the above "News Letter" format [above]. Maybe this style is intended as a reminder, the "News Letter" for announcements. |
The BAYKO section is to the left hand side of the document, in the second section from the top, of the front of this double-sided document. Slide your mouse over the image to highlight it. |
There are two key points to be gleaned from this document. |
Firstly the document now refers to “New Style BAYKO Outfits”, but lists them as being sets 11, 12, 13 and 14, with “Accessory Outfits” as being 11C, 12C and 13C. The decision to renumber the sets being the only significant change from the near identical document above. |
It's perhaps worth coupling this document, with the one immediately below, the “Confused Brochure” and the “Confused Document”, with their product errors, to sum up quite nicely MECCANO's lack of a consistent, coherent strategy for BAYKO. |
This document is shown courtesy of the
Timothy Edwards of |
Early 1961 - MECCANO Dealers News Letter |
This document [left] is a MECCANO General Products Price List, of sorts, but definitely aimed at their retailers, and not one intended for release to the general public - it is clearly marked “Confidential” in the top right hand corner. |
This is only the second of these I have seen, and, again, I will let it speak for itself - “This Trade and Retail Price List is intended to assist you completing your main season's order for 1961.” |
The BAYKO section is to the left hand side of the document, in the second section from the top, [below the blank bit] on the front of this double-sided document. |
There are two key points to be gleaned from this document when compared with the 1960 equivalent [above]. |
► |
Firstly the document again refers to “New Style BAYKO Outfits”, but this time lists them as being sets 11, 12, 13 and 4, with “Accessory Outfits” as being 11C, 12C and 13C. |
► |
Secondly, both retail and wholesale prices are again listed. The prices are exactly the same, and therefore the mark ups are exactly the same - c75%. |
Certainly, compared to its 1960 equivalent, MECCANO have now got their act together as regards the world's first and finest plastic construction toy. |
If, with today's perspective on not wasting materials, you are wondering just why so much of the top and bottom of this document is blank, it is because the reverse side, requires all the space allocated. |
For the record, the other products on the document are : - |
► |
► |
On the back are all the HORNBY DUBLO 2-Rail and 3-Rail and compatible items. |
January 6th, 1962 MECCANO Trade Leaflet |
Front |
Rear |
It's so nice - as any collector would understand - to finally get hold of this predictable [indeed, predicted] document, intermediate as it is between its 1961 and 1963 counterparts. |
This document is date coded January 8th, 1962, so it's nice to see BAYKO getting such a flying start to the year, particularly as it's so information rich, pretty well all of it new to me. A quick look at the dimensions [bottom of this table] will show you that this is a surprisingly long document for one of its type - 14.2 inches [360.4 mm] - and it's almost all BAYKO. The images have a slightly ghostly quality about them - I think this may be due to my scanner's interpretation of a combination of the pale colours and the document's high gloss finish. Interestingly, given there were around three thousand U.K. BAYKO retailers, ten thousand copies were printed. |
Firstly [left side of left image, above] is a MECCANO era BAYKO Sets Display Unit. The uniqueness of this particular item [apart from this being the first of three mentions that I know of] is the fact that the offering - “Net Price £7. 15. 0. (Including Tax) Carriage Page” - is actually built from “MECCANO strips”, rather than the plastic covered wire construction which subsequently took over. I suspect stability, or comparative lack there of, was the issue. Its offering survived only three months - until the April, 1962 document [below]. |
Secondly both images [above] contain the 1962 offering of Shop Display Models - at significantly higher prices than those in 1961. Three of the first four of these were direct replacements for the original ones, from the previous year, The exception being the ever present “Bungalow”. The other two were heralding the launch of set #15, and conversion set #14C, later in the year. |
The final item, is on the rear of the document [above, right]. It is an “Animated Display Stand”, for DINKY TOYS no less - it really would have been nice to have had the option for a similar BAYKO item! As an experienced exhibitor, I know the advantage of movement in any display. |
MECCANO Trade Bulletin April, 1962 |
Front - MECCANO DINKY products |
Rear - BAYKO Display Stand |
Presumably this was one of many MECCANO Trade Bulletins, in this case dated April, 1962 and print coded the previous month. Unfortunately, I've never seen any of the others for comparison. |
Clearly the headlines for the month were all DINKY related, except for the announcement of the availability of the “new and attractive Bayko Dispenser and Display Unit”. If we take MECCANO literally, then that successfully dates this style of display stand for us, just three months after the 'unstable' “MECCANO strips” version [above]. |
Given that set #15 was launched just five months later, the decision to exclude it from the stand must surely have been deliberate… |
…perhaps the set #15 box was too big, and would have needed the stand to be too large. |
…then again, there's always the cock-up theory alternative! |
The full BAYKO related script is as follows : - |
“Dispenser and Display Unit for Bayko” |
“Our photograph shows a new and excitingly attractive Bayko Dispenser and Display Unit which is now available for delivery.” |
“Holding approximately 50 Bayko Outfits and measuring 65" in height, the over-all base dimensions being 28" square, this Unit is a MUST and is offered to dealers at only £5, plus packing and carriage - well below cost to Meccano Limited. Finished in polychromatic scratch proof silver, a most striking header board is also incorporated. This is a stock-holder, display and dispenser unit any up-to-date shop cannot afford to be without.” |
“Please mark the top of your Dinky Toys order-form “no. 3/62 Bayko Dispenser Required”; your request will receive our immediate attention.” |
June 1962 - MECCANO Trade Bulletin |
This document is shown courtesy of Bob Field and Andrew Lance. |
I can't explain why there appear to be two June, 1962 documents, including the one below. |
This is an information-rich document, produced in a single double-sided sheet, folded twice to create six pages. |
It was sent out to all their retailers, not just BAYKO, by MECCANO in June, 1962. |
► |
Firstly, it heralds details of the launch of the MECCANO era BAYKO set #15 and conversion set #14C : - |
“NEW BAYKO OUTFITS - Extending the Range !” |
“In August supplies will be available of the new Bayko Outfit No. 15. This is the largest Outfit in the range of entirely new up-to-the-minute parts, including shop window, display shelf, French window, dormer window, pantile roofs, boarded and waney edged roof ends. These will provide scope for building a wider variety of models.” |
“Also available will be the Accessory Outfit No. 14C for enlarging Outfit No. 14 to the equivalent of the new No. 15 Outfit.” |
Outfit |
Trade Price exc. Tax |
Retail Price inc. Tax |
15 |
43/- |
75/- |
14C |
19/10 |
34/6 |
That confirms confirms the gross profit figure as being 75%. |
► |
Secondly, the Bulletin announces the launch of the BAYKO Retail Packs, alongside the equivalent for an up-and-coming young product - MECCANO. As an aside, I have to say that I love the terminology they used in this section : - |
“We are now introducing Meccano and Bayko parts in separate polythene packs for” |
“All at 'Pocket Money' Prices !” |
► |
Thirdly, the Bulletin details the contents of these BAYKO Retail Packs, though in a somewhat idiosyncratic order, which was clearly adopted to balance up the number of lines in the overall display : - |
“BAYKO Bayko parts are available in 6 different polythene packs.” |
Bayko Parts Pack 1B comprising :- |
Bayko Parts Pack 3B comprising :- |
Bayko Parts Pack 4B comprising :- |
2 |
B16 |
Bay Window Cover |
6 |
B30 |
End Brick - Red |
3 |
B34 |
Half Brick - Red |
1 |
B80 |
Canopy |
8 |
B32 |
End Brick - White |
10 |
B36 |
Half Brick - White |
2 |
B130 |
Pillar, 3 Brick |
2 |
B94 |
Door |
2 |
B38 |
Long Brick - Red |
2 |
B176 |
Steps |
4 |
B190 |
Window |
4 |
B40 |
Long Brick - White |
2 |
B194 |
Large Window |
2 |
B94 |
Door |
Bayko Parts Pack 5B comprising :- |
2 |
B194 |
Large Window |
Bayko Parts Pack 2B comprising :- |
2 |
B16 |
Bay Window Cover |
7 |
B190 |
Window |
6 |
B26 |
Curved Brick - Red |
Bayko Parts Pack 6B comprising :- |
3 |
B192 |
Curved Window |
5 |
B28 |
Curved Brick - White |
12 |
B18 |
Brick - Red |
3 |
B194 |
Large Window |
2 |
B192 |
Curved Window |
14 |
B20 |
Brick - White |
Trade Price exc. Tax |
Retail Price inc. Tax |
1/5 each |
2/6 each |
“These Packs are included on the enclosed Bayko and Dinky Toys Order Forms.” |
► |
Finally, the Bulletin goes on to describe the details of a Display and Dispenser Unit, which was intended for use with the above six BAYKO Retail Packs : - |
“All dealers ordering 'silent salesmen' packs to the Trade Value of 85/-, (plus Purchase Tax £1-0-9) that is 10 of each of the individual packs (60 packs), will receive the FREE LOAN of a Bayko Display and Dispenser Unit.” |
“The unit will be in heavy wire, finished in polychromatic scratch proof silver and topped by a striking header board. Standing approximately 23" high, 18" across the arms, on non-scratch feet, this unit is ideal for letting your 'silent salesmen' work for you.” |
“Dealers not wishing to obtain a free dispenser may obtain these packs in minimum quantities of 6.” |
June 1962 - MECCANO Trade Leaflet |
This document is shown courtesy of Andrew Lance of the HORNBY Railways Collectors Association. |
I can't explain why there appear to be two June, 1962 documents, including the one above. |
This is an information-rich document, produced as a simple double-sided sheet, folded twice to create six pages. It was sent out to all their retailers, not just BAYKO, by MECCANO in June 1962. |
Just for the record, when it comes to the “Silent Salesman” [Retail Sales Packs] section [below], the 'eccentric' ordering of the content details of the six different packs makes sense only in the context of optimum space utilisation of the print layout. |
In case you can't read the larger image, the whole script is as follows : - |
“NEW BAYKO OUTFITS - Extending the Range!” |
“In August supplies will be available of the new Bayko Outfit No. 15. This is the largest Outfit in the range and contains a number of new up-to-the-minute parts, including a shop window, display shelf, French window, dormer window, Pantile roofs, boarded and waney-edged roof ends. These will give scope for building a wider range of buildings.” |
“Also available will be the Accessory Outfit No. 14C for enlarging Outfit No. 14 to the equivalent of the new No. 15 Outfit.” |
Outfit |
Trade Price exc, Purchase Tax |
Retail Price inc. Tax |
15 |
43/- |
75/- |
14C |
19/10 |
34/6 |
“Again this confirms the gross profit figure as being 75%.” |
“We are now introducing Meccano and Bayko parts in separate polythene packs for”
“All at 'Pocket Money' Prices !” |
“BAYKO Bayko parts are available in 6 different polythene packs.” |
Bayko Parts Pack 1B comprising :- |
Bayko Parts Pack 3B comprising :- |
Bayko Parts Pack 4B comprising :- |
2 |
B16 |
Bay Window Cover |
6 |
B30 |
End Brick - Red |
3 |
B34 |
Half Brick - Red |
1 |
B80 |
Canopy |
8 |
B32 |
End Brick - White |
10 |
B36 |
Half Brick - White |
2 |
B130 |
Pillar, 3 Brick |
2 |
B94 |
Door |
2 |
B38 |
Long Brick - Red |
2 |
B176 |
Steps |
4 |
B190 |
Window |
4 |
B40 |
Long Brick - White |
2 |
B194 |
Large Window |
2 |
B94 |
Door |
Bayko Parts Pack 5B comprising :- |
2 |
B194 |
Large Window |
Bayko Parts Pack 2B comprising :- |
2 |
B16 |
Bay Window Cover |
7 |
B190 |
Window |
6 |
B26 |
Curved Brick - Red |
Bayko Parts Pack 6B comprising :- |
3 |
B192 |
Curved Window |
5 |
B28 |
Curved Brick - White |
12 |
B18 |
Brick - Red |
3 |
B194 |
Large Window |
2 |
B192 |
Curved Window |
14 |
B20 |
Brick - White |
Trade Price exc. Tax |
Retail Price inc. Tax |
1/5 each |
2/6 each |
“These Packs are included on the enclosed Bayko and Dinky Toys Order Forms.” |
“All dealers ordering 'silent salesmen' packs to the Trade Value of 85/-, (plus Purchase Tax £1-0-9) that is 10 of each of the individual packs (60 packs), will receive the FREE LOAN of a Bayko Display and Dispenser Unit.” |
“The unit will be in heavy wire, finished in polychromatic scratch proof silver and topped by a striking header board. Standing approximately 23" high, 18" across the arms, on non-scratch feet, this unit is ideal for letting your 'silent salesmen' work for you.” |
“Dealers not wishing to obtain a free dispenser may obtain these packs in minimum quantities of 6.” |
Not too surprisingly, given the timing, the two June, 1962 scripts are effectively identical - it's almost as if it was planned! |
This document is shown courtesy of Andrew Lance and the HORNBY Railways Collectors Association. |
1963 - MECCANO Trade Leaflet |
This really is an information-rich document… |
…sent to retailers by MECCANO in 1963. |
► |
Firstly, it shows details of the renamed, “FREE LOAN” “BAYKO Spare Parts Dispenser” for the 6 different Retail Display Packs… |
► |
Secondly, it also shows the “BAYKO Outfit Dispenser and Display Stand” for retailers to display their stock of BAYKO sets #11 to #14 [no set #15!] - yours for just £5/15/-… |
► |
Finally, it shows 6 Display Models, one from each set [but 2 from set #15] which retailers could buy to enhance their in-store BAYKO promotion… |
The Bungalow model remains but the Detached House, from 1961, is rehabilitated! |
How could BAYKO retailers resist this document… |
…a shame MECCANO killed BAYKO the next year! |
As a bit of an afterthought, I've decided to include the script related to the BAYKO Outfit Dispenser and Display Stand, as it is not mentioned elsewhere - there is also a significant change of literary style - so here goes : - |
“Sturdily built metal stand makes a most attractive picture when dressed with outfits. For use in window or Sales Floor with eye-catching Header Board.” |
Dimensions: |
Height 67" |
Depth 21" |
Width 21" |
“Net Price £5 . 15 . 0 (including tax)” |
Chris Reeve's excellent document is not date-coded, but is clearly from 1963. |