Letter to Bepin Behary Das & Grandson
Kolkata [Calcutta] India

This is potentially one of the most important BAYKO documents that I've come across for some time, in terms of the amount of new information that it contains.
The letter itself is only dated January, 1956, but the envelope is dated January 16th, 1956. The Indian Post Office franking on the rear of the envelope is time stamped 7:38 AM on January 23rd, 1956, so it took a little under a week to make what, for the day, was quite a significant journey. If you want me to be more accurate about the timing, I'm afraid I can't!!!
As can be clearly seen in the image of the front of the envelope [below, left], the letter was sent, by Plimpton, to Bepin Behary Das and Grandson [B.B.D. & G.], in Kolkata [formerly Calcutta], India…
As well as the two-page letter, there was also an export BAYKO Flier included, however, let's start with the envelope…

January 16th, 1956 Franked Envelope

Envelope, franked January 16th, 1956
Reverse of the B.B.D&G. envelope, franked at 7:30 by the Indian Post Office
Envelope Front
Envelope Rear
The most obvious feature on the front of the envelope [above, left] is the red inked, BAYKO branded franking, though, sadly, the left hand end of the art work has 'missed' the envelope, presumably to ensure that, at the other end, the double 3d franking [i.e. 6d = 2½p] didn't miss!
The Indian franking appears on the reverse [above, right] - hence we can know just how long this “Second Class Air-Mail” took to arrive - just under a week!
Clicking on either image will reveal a larger image, which will help you to see more details, should you wish to.

Size - 152 x 92 mm = 6.0 x 3.6 inches.

1956 General Export BAYKO Flier

General Export Flier, 1956 - Exterior
General Export Flier, 1956 - Interior
This is, I believe, the standard BAYKO Export Flier of the period, though it's also possible that such examples, with the set price slots left blank, could also have been used for periods of price change in the domestic market.
If you slide your mouse over the left hand image, you can see an inverted image.  Click on either image for a larger version.
The Flier was folded, off set, across the middle in such a way that the 'brickwork' and logo at the bottom [above right] was still visible…
If you're looking for an explanation as to why a copy of this Flier was included with this letter, other than demonstrating the available product support, I'm afraid I can't help…
…the nearest we get to a mention of the Flier, in the letter, is the “Encl.” in the bottom left hand corner of the first page!
However, I've never seen this item in the domestic market, but I have seen a version used in Canada [with appropriate Canadian Dollar Set Prices], all of which strongly suggests to me that this was intended to perform the role of a universal, English language, Export Flier.

Size - 139 x 216 mm = 5.5 x 8.5 inches.

January, 1956 Letter to Bepin Behary Das and Grandson, Kolkata, India

This is, certainly to me at least, a really interesting letter, which contains a wealth of information.
The letter was nominally sent by Fred Rogerson, Plimpton's Sales Manager, though it was 'pp-ed' and signature free.
The letter comprises two pages, the contents of which are very different : -
Bepin Behary Dass and Grandson 1956 Letter Page 1
Bepin Behary Dass and Grandson 1956 Letter page two
Page 1
Page 2
This page is 'generically' dated January, 1956, though the envelope narrows this down to the 16th.
The intent is to make Bepin Behary Das and Grandson aware of the BAYKO price reductions which were scheduled to come into effect on February 1st, 1956.
This fits in with, and could be a consequence of, the move from Gibraltar Row to Tabley Street the previous year.
The reduction applies to five of the nine standard and converting sets, and is explained as follows : -
“This reduction, has been made possible by increased production in our new factory…”
The sets concerned are, almost certainly, #2, #3 and #4 together with conversion sets #1X and #3X, based on retail prices as published at the time.
There then follows an encouragement to “remember please that indents placed early in the year are very much appreciated”. I don't ever remember reading the word “indents” being used in this context.
In the bottom left hand corner, “Encl.” confirms that there was, indeed, an enclosure, and I've no reason the doubt that the export BAYKO Flier [above] is the one referred to.
Finally, underneath the “Encl.” are three initials “E.Q.D.” with which I am unfamiliar, if anybody out there knows what they stand for, then I'd love to hear from you…
This page is much more 'technical' and included information which, to date, is unique to this letter. It comprises several sections : -
Firstly, under the title “Export Quotation (D)” are the wholesale prices [below] of the BAYKO  standard and converting sets. They are similar, though not identical, to those quoted for the domestic market three months earlier…
Secondly, there is some new information which falls under the self-explanatory heading : -
“All Sets are packed in Certified Fibreboard Export Cartons ready for shipment in standard quantities, the dimensions, gross and nett weights, of which are as follows : -”.
Thirdly, there is a small section showing an alternative mixed pack which was available for BAYKO conversion sets, i.e. fixed quantities of all four of them in one carton.
I have added a separate page to show the details of the above two sections in full…
Fourthly, there is the comment that “No. 0 and No. 4 standard Sets and No. 0X and No. 3X Converting Sets can be supplied in smaller quantities suitable for despatch by parcel post.”
Finally, the item - “Showcards, Leaflets, etc., can be supplied on request, free of charge.”
And that's your lot!
Bayko wholesale Set Prices from the Bepin Behary Das & Grandson letter
Above is the list of Wholesale BAYKO Set Prices, a larger image extracted from page two of the B.B.D.&G. 1956 letter.
To date this is the only letter I've managed to acquire that isn't from the Gibraltar Row factory years. All those other letters were sent direct to BAYKO collectors…

Size - 202 x 252 mm = 8.0 x 9.9 inches.
Below here are links to related info : -
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The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - August 17, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.