What does the Word “BAYKO” Mean?
BAYKO” Definitions from around the Globe

When I looked up the word BAYKO, for no discernable or logical reason - put it down to 'Covid curiosity' if you like - I was surprised to see just how many different entries popped up. I thought it possible that other 'BAYKOreans'  - like your good self for example? - may have fallen victim to similar bouts of curiosity [covidiocy?]. Whatever your reason for landing here - welcome! I wish you joy of this BAYKO miscellany, and of any BAYKURIOSITIES (!) you may be able to share…

Union Flag
Union Flag
According to Wikipedia - a British, Plastic, construction toy, invented, patented and developed, by early plastics engineer and entrepreneur, Charles Bird Plimpton, in Liverpool. Launched in 1933; taken over, by MECCANO, in 1959; and, finally, ceased production in 1967.

Ukraine Flag
USA Flag
BAYKO is a surname / family name in several parts of eastern Europe, primarily the Ukraine, [meaning - quick thinker, both philosophically and creatively]. Migration has also taken the name, in significant numbers, to the U.S.A., where, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, it is at #88,685 in the list of most popular family names!

There appear to be several, clearly successful, musical acts, producers of records, etc., from several genres and cultures, who share the same name as the world's first and finest plastic construction toy.

Indian Flag
Marathi word
Indian Flag
Meaning - “wife” or “spouse”.
Marathi is the third most widely spoken language in India.
Andhra Pradesh Flag
Telugu word
Telangana Flag
Meaning - “wife” or “spouse”.
Telugu is the official language of the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, and is, apparently, the 14th most widely spoken language on the planet.

Nigerian Flag
Nigerian Flag
Bayko is a modest town (?) in the northern Nigerian State of Niger [not to be confused with the nearby, Francophone Country of Niger]. Wikipedia records the population, “within a seven kilometre radius” of Bayko, as being 4,321 - I never trust such 'aesthetic' numbers, regardless of source.

BAYKO Pythagorean Numerology‽

BAYKO Chaldean Numerology‽

German Flag
German Flag
A fancy, knitted Beanie hat with a “fleeceband lining” - available from this online, German, mailorder business - MOSHIKI. Available, by the look of it - in any colour you like, as long as you like “grey”, “purple” or “petrol”! The latter clearly referencing, or at least in support of, “The Flaming BAYKOMAN” site logo!!! For the record, they were still available last time I checked - September, 2023.

There were several more 'near misses' with more languages - on the subcontinent and the Malay peninsular, plus in Arabic, Japanese and Korean. Sadly, my language limitations don't allow me to be more specific.
If your cat-like curiosity [hopefully without the proverbial consequences] has now enabled you add a new gem to this 'tiara of trivia', then I really would love to hear from you…
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The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - September 13, 2023
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.