Famous BAYKO Owners

Firstly, an appeal, if you know of, or, even better, if you are, a famous individual who's young, or indeed not-so-young, life was enhanced by a treasured BAYKO set, then I'd love to hear from you to swell this page…
…there must be plenty out there.
With your help, I would love to make this a bulky section.
I hope you find it interesting.

The Duke of Gloucester

I'll open with a forelock tugger!
Sadly I can't remember where I first heard that His Royal Highness, the Duke of Gloucester was, as a boy, the proud owner of a BAYKO building set, but, having done so, I thought I would follow it up and wrote to ask if it were true, and, if so, who gave it to him?
The result of my inquiry, a much appreciated response [right] from Alistair Wood Esq. MBE, private secretary to both the Duke and the Duchess of Gloucester.
If you click anywhere on the image of his letter, you will see a larger image which you should find easier to read.
The letter, dated 16th December, 2011, reads : -
"Dear Mr Bradley,
The Duke of Gloucester has asked me to thank you for your letter of the 30th November, 2011 about BAYKO Building Sets.
His Royal Highness does remember his BAYKO building set, but not who gave it to him. He thinks, given the time frame, that although it could have been the late Queen Mother, it was more likely to have been given to him by Queen Mary, the then Queen Mother.
The Duke of Gloucester hopes that this may be helpful, but time has dulled the precision of the recollection.
Yours sincerely
Alistair Wood"
A further, to me, intriguing little detail : -
KELLOGGS, for whom I worked for over thirty years, insisted we always capitalise, and visibly respect the company logo in all communications, including internal emails. That's why I capitalise and italicise brand names, including BAYKO, throughout the site. I find it interesting to see this reflected in this reply.
Letter from the Duke of Gloucester
Duke of Gloucester's franked envelope
For completeness, and because I find the franking interesting, I thought I would include an image of the envelope in which the Duke of Gloucester's letter arrived [above]. You'll notice that I only warrant treatment as a second class citizen - quite right!

'YES' - I Was a BAYKO Boy!
Rick Wakeman in his post-BAYKO days
Photo - Mike Coppola, Getty Images
The more musical among you may well already have seen through the not-so-cryptic headline [above] but, for those who haven't : -
Rick Wakeman, musician [keyboardist], songwriter, producer, television and radio presenter, actor and author, first came to wider public notice through the progressive rock band 'YES', in its various guises. [This list is culled from 'WIKIPEDIA'.] These days he is dangerously close to being recognised as a national treasure!
Rick is a West London lad, born just 322 days before yours truly, and has fond memories of a BAYKO-rich childhood.
I became aware of this and emailed Rick, who responded enthusiastically, as you can see, to my question - "I believe you played with BAYKO as a boy?" - immediately below : -
"Hi Pete,
I certainly did and I loved it. Back in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s you were either a MECCANO person or a BAYKO person. I was most definitely a BAYKO person and spent many happy hours building houses and all sorts - as well as trying to straighten out the metal rods that had somehow got bent !!! [We've all been there!!!]
XMAS meant more BAYKO bits so I could build and design more houses.....your email has brought back many happy memories."
Rick then responded "absolutely......no problem" to my request for permission to include his comments on the site.
He finished the message - "Thanks for the email..…much appreciated…..Rick."
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - August 11, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.