BAYKOMAN Auction Software

I designed this BAYKOMAN Auction Software to support the annual September auctions at the BAYKO Collectors Club, and have now sold quite a few copies to other people/organisations for similar purposes - I can 100% guarantee that it works flawlessly.

Many clubs and societies run regular auctions as a service to members and / or to raise funds. Most still use pencil and paper. Nothing wrong with that - it works - but there really is a better way.
All you need is a laptop with Microsoft Excel installed, a printer, electricity (!) and BAYKOMAN Auction Software.
So what are the advantages of this tried and tested software : -
Simple, intuitive layout making data entry extremely easy.
On site registration for buyers is quick and simple.
Running total always available - and instantly at the end of the auction.
Printed individual Buyer Summary available within seconds of the end of the auction for both payment details and as a receipt / authorisation to take purchases home!
Printed individual Vendor Summary available as soon as required for sending remittances after the auction.
Accommodates both Buyer's Premium and Vendor's Premiums which can take any value you like, and which are totalled separately.
Automatically provides a record of the entire auction for future reference.
Includes full instructions.
All this for just £10 when sent as an email attachment…
…£12 when posted to a U.K. address on a DVD.
You can pay via PayPal using
n.b. - In order to run the software, you need to have Microsoft Excel already installed on your computer.
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for other SALE items.

The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - August 10, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.