It is worth noting that the Italian language documentation also potentially helps facilitate access to [parts of] Switzerland, where we know there was a BAYKO market, at least briefly.
I don't suppose the Italian market ever ranked too highly in BAYKO volume terms, but it certainly lasted ten years, or more. I am currently able to show you no less than eight BAYKO documents which supported the Italian Market, a number which, I suggest, indicates the buoyancy of the Italian BAYKO export market in both the Plimpton and MECCANO eras : -

1954? Leaflet Included with Sets

1954 Leaflet explaining BAYKO in Italian
1954 Leaflet showing BAYKO Set Contents in Italian
BAYKO Product Explanation
BAYKO Set Contents
The dating of 1954 actually comes from the standard English language manual included in the same set as this Leaflet, so it may well have covered a significantly longer period.
The format matches that used for other export markets, with set contents on one side [right] and a product explanation on the other [right].
By way of proof, I also own a very similar French language sheet…
205 mm x 131 mm = 8.1 x 5.2 inches

1955? Leaflet Included with Sets

Leaflet explaining BAYKO in Italian with the Ref. No. 4 added
Leaflet showing BAYKO Set Contents in Italian opposite to the side with Ref. No. 4 added
BAYKO Product Explanation
BAYKO Set Contents
This is strange!!! As far as I can tell, this leaflet is identical to the one above, except that the phrase “Ref. No. 4” has been added to the bottom middle of the Product Explanation side [above left].
I have assumed that this version to be the later version purely because, to me, it seems much more likely that you would spend money to modify the printer's block to add a new code rather than to remove a redundant one, which could otherwise simply have been left there.
Perhaps it's a bit nerdish, but you may be interested to learn more about these and other codes…
205 mm x 131 mm = 8.1 x 5.2 inches

February, 1962 Italian MECCANO General Products Price List

This document [code number 72841/37] is easily identifiable as being the Italian version of the standard MECCANO General Products price list, as was widely used in both their domestic and export markets during the MECCANO BAYKO era…
…as a result, the simple format of this document, a single sheet, with a single vertical fold, to create a four page leaflet, seems, somehow, to be comfortably familiar.
The BAYKO section here is on the front cover, in the left hand column, pretty well in the middle, immediately below MECCANO 's own section. If you slide your mouse over the image [right] you can see it clearly highlighted.
The intricate asterisk alternatives, shown alongside the entries for both set #15 and conversion set #14C,  alert the eager would-be purchasers that they are “In preparazione”, which I'm confident that I can safely leave you to translate!
Unlikely to  be a particular hit with most marketeers, the word “SCATOLE”, in the BAYKO section heading, simply translates [according to both WIKIPAEDIA and BABELFISH] as “BOXES”, though 'Boxed Sets' seems more appropriate.
The document is date coded February, 1962, and also bears the legend “Stampato in Inghilaterra” - “Printed in England”.
Finally, the only contact address that's included in this document is Liverpool, which suggests that the market may well have been supplied direct from the U.K. However, I feel confident that the language issue would have necessitated a modest, local sales force - not just for BAYKO of course!
February 1962 Italian MECCANO General Products Price List - front cover
139 mm x 302 mm
5.5 x 11.9 inches

Pre-1962? - MECCANO General Products Leaflet

Italian MECCANO products flier - exterior
Italian MECCANO products flier - interior
This document is shown courtesy of Andy Horner of the HORNBY Railways Collectors Association U.K.
This is a MECCANO General Products Flier, for the Italian market, including the world's first and finest plastic construction toy. Sadly it's undated, but, as it doesn't include BAYKO set #15, which was introduced early in August 1962, it makes this a reasonable end date.
The Flier, “Stampato In Inghilaterra” [“printed in England”] comprises a single sheet, printed on both sides and designed to be folded twice, once vertically and once horizontally. Unusually, BAYKO rates two separate entries, the larger [above, right] being in the bottom left hand corner of the interior: the smaller [above, left] being in the bottom right hand corner of the exterior, as part of a photo montage of products which forms the back of the fully-folded Flier. Click on either of the images [above] for a larger version of these BAYKO entries.
Animation demonstrating how the flier is folded
To demonstrate exactly how the Flier folding is organised, slide your mouse over the small image [right], and simply let the magic happen!!!
I've taken a BAYKO-centric perspective on the folding, deliberately finishing 'at the back' of the folded unit, in order to confirm where the BAYKO photo ends up. The main BAYKO entry is, of course, snug inside!

1962 - MECCANO General Products Leaflet

1962 Italian MECCANO Products Leaflet - BAYKO Included
1962 Italian MECCANO Products Leaflet - reverse
This document is shown courtesy of Andrew Lance and Andy Rowley of the Hornby Railways Collectors Association.
It dates from 1962, and, given that it includes references to set #14C and set #15, it is likely to be dated August or later.
The DINKY TOYS displayed are supplied from MECCANO France, but there is no suggestion that the BAYKO is from there. Either way, the main address quoted is still Liverpool.
The BAYKO sectionsits dead centre on the front page [left above], though I guess the question of which is the front is somewhat moot!

1963 - MECCANO Catalogue

Front page of 1963 Italian MECCANO catalogue
1963 Italian BAYKO price list
Left BAYKO page of 1963 Italian catalogue
Right BAYKO page of 1963 Italian catalogue
The above document is the standard U.K. catalogue of the same date, translated into Italian, with the pull-out price booklet in Italian lira and the address of the local importer.
151 mm x 106 mm = 5.95 x 4.2 inches

1964 - MECCANO Catalogue

Front page of 1964 Italian MECCANO catalogue
There is no reference to BAYKO in this 1964 catalogue…
…so why is it included?
This catalogue format, including the style of cover artwork, is common to most markets, and is normally a MECCANO general products catalogue, however, in this case, it is solely for MECCANO itself.
I have included it here as a further example of the inconsistent marketing strategies of Mr. MECCANO.
Scroll down and you'll see that there was, indeed, a larger range of contemporary MECCANO products, including BAYKO, supplied to the Italian market, and I can't explain why they're excluded here.
221 mm x 171 mm = 8.7 x 6.7 inches

1964 - Italian MECCANO General Products Price List

Front page of 1963 Italian MECCANO General Products Price List
1964 Italian MECCANO General Produsts Price List, BAYKO page
In contrast to the above booklet, this MECCANO General Products Price List isn't restricted to MECCANO alone, and does include BAYKO.
This document comprises a single sheet, printed on both sides, then folded twice to generate eight mini pages. The BAYKO entry [above, right] is printed on the reverse of the front cover [above, left], and is effectively page two as the catalogue unfolds. It is the second item on the page- slide your mouse over the image to highlight it. Click anywhere on the page, to see a larger image of the BAYKO entry. You will see that the BAYKO entry is even more minimalist than the 'Flanged Bricks'.
The word “SCATOLE”, according to both Wikipedia and Babel Fish, means “boxes”, though I suspect 'boxed sets' is nearer the mark.
140 x 249 mm = 5.5 x 9.8 inches

There is further evidence of BAYKO in the Italian market during the MECCANO era, in a multi-lingual document which is held in the Liverpool Maritime Museum
Below here are links to related info : -
The following 30+ other countries are known to have been export markets for BAYKO : -
Click on highlighted country names above for more info.

Click on any of the links below for related information.

The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - August 10, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.