It is worth noting that the German language documentation also helps facilitate access to Switzerland, where we know there was a BAYKO market, at least briefly.
Traditionally, companies also linked the Austrian market with Germany, though I have no direct evidence for BAYKO sales in Austria.
I should, perhaps, just add the reminder that we are, almost certainly, thinking only of West Germany here, providing further proof of the deprivation of the Ost Deutsche!!!
BAYKO used Belgium, with its dual French/Flemish culture, to spearhead the Benelux market [Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg] and France. It is theoretically possible that, given that approaching 10% of the Belgian population are German speaking, that Plimpton used the same route for Germany, though there is zero evidence to date.
I now have information on two BAYKO documents from the German language market…

BAYKO Explanation Sheets - Unknown Date 1947? or 1948?

These two images were discovered recently, in photocopy form, [so any colour information is lost] as part of a 'set' of the same document as translated into four languages - Flemish, French, German and Spanish.
Dating it is difficult as there is no printed information, or at least none that has been preserved, but the basic, unornamented layout suggests austerity, and is, therefore, likely to predate other similar documents.
If you can help date these documents more accurately, then I'd love to hear from you…
Set Contents Explanation BAYO Explanation
German language set contents information, probably from the late 1940s
German language BAYKO description, probably from the late 1940s
The above document, was intended to supplement the English language manuals in BAYKO sets #0 to #3, explaining to the lucky young collector the basics about how to play!
As I said at the begriming of this entry, there are three other versions of this document format…

I have no German information from the Plimpton era, but…
…a multi-lingual BAYKO sheet, in the Liverpool Maritime Museum archives, includes a German language script, which is clear evidence…
…at least Mr MECCANO gave it a go!!!
Although not strictly for the German market, in February, 1961, MECCANO advertised in 'British Toys', in a section concerning the Nuremberg Toy Fair. The advert, which included BAYKO, was written entirely in German…
There was a further item in the same issue which mentioned BAYKO
It is equally possible that the above document and advert were targeted at the Austrian or Swiss markets. If you have any information on any of the German speaking BAYKO markets then I'd love to hear from you…

MECCANO General Products Price List - German Language Version
January, 1962

German language MECCANO General Product Prce List, from January, 1962
I accept that the other document [above] could simply have been preparation for entering the market, and doesn't definitively prove full entry into the German market, but this MECCANO General Products Price List [left] must, surely, knock that on the head.
This style and format of document was familiar to the U.K. market, though, somewhat embarrassingly, I don't actually have a copy of the 1962 domestic market equivalent…
Move your mouse over the image to show that BAYKO keeps its U.K. second place on the front of this four page document, supporting the idea that MECCANO were fully committed to Germany's BAYKO market. Sadly, there are no sales details to support this…
…though no less than 10,000 copies were printed.
The date coding for this document is January, 1962, but, somewhat surprisingly, it includes sets #15 and #14C, which weren't actually launched until August of that year…
…at least they were in the U.K. market.
Almost unbelievably, this date coding makes this the earliest BAYKO-related document to mention the new sets…
…at least for the ones that I'm aware of!!!
There is an asterisk by the two new set entries which link to a footnote specifying “Erscheint in Kürze”
…which means, “Coming Soon”
…so we just don't know for sure!
BAYKO, BAYKO Über Alles!!!
140 mm x 266 mm = 5.45 x 10.5 inches
Below here are links to related info : -
The following 30+ other countries are known to have been export markets for BAYKO : -
Click on highlighted country names above for more info.

Click on any of the links below for related information.

The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - August 10, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.