I am a little confused as to the desirability of this page, but, on balance, I now believe it has value, however, before I start, if you arrived here looking for details of specific toy shows and exhibitions which include the world's first and finest plastic construction toy, for you to visit… |
BAYKO has one fundamental weakness when it comes to pulling in the crowds, particularly junior crowds, at a modern toy show or exhibition - it is fundamentally static, as, indeed, consequentially, are many BAYKO displays. |
Most serious BAYKO exhibitionists have recognised this weakness, and worked to counter it, creating BAYKO-scenic model railways; detailed BAYKO dioramas sometimes incorporating flashing L.E.D.s; rotating mini display units for special models or 'how it's done' demonstrations; computer laptop animated displays of infinite variety; even working, external lifts have graced a skyscraper model. All have tremendous merit, as, of course, do the offer of 'hands on' opportunities with 'have a go', 'self build' displays. |
However, even with the highest standard of BAYKO modelling, large or small, from experts like Robert Palmer, we can often struggle to hold junior's attention for long. |
There have been a number of primarily BAYKO-only exhibitions over the years, excellent and thoroughly enjoyable for exhibitionist and visiting enthusiast alike, but, sadly, with limited success in terms of pulling in the crowds. |
So does that mean that BAYKO doesn't work at exhibitions? No, of course not! However, it does mean we have to utilise and develop other strengths. |
I've long believed that BAYKO displays are at their most effective as a counterpoint to the primary attractions, such as at Model Engineering and/or MECCANO Shows or at Model Railway Exhibitions, they've even graced Swapmeets. Without being sexist, the primary exhibition may excite junior, but not necessarily granny, yet I've spent many [mutually] happy hours stoking the nostalgic fires of both grannies and granddads. Perhaps counter intuitively, younger LEGO builders can often show genuine interest in where their world of plastic construction toys began. Country wide, individual BAYKO modellers, and the BAYKO Collectors Club draw at least their fair share of the crowd at a wide variety of nostalgic toy themed exhibitions. |
Exactly the same logic has lead to BAYKO successfully contributing to glorious days out at Classic Car Shows, Steam Rallies, Railway Preservation Society Open Days, Museums, Bank Holiday Fairs… |
If you are an exhibition manager, I'd love to hear from you with a view to discussing adding BAYKO to your offer… |
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