Patent #190,951
“Improvements in Clocks and Clock Movements”

Not surprisingly, given the opportunities it offered, Charles Bird Plimpton, BAYKO's inventor, clearly spent much of his early life working in his father's business, J.C. Plimpton & Co. Ltd.
Among other things, they traded in, and even manufactured, watches…
We know that C.B. also spent a brief period working at a clock and watch manufacturer in the United States - probably Kendal, Ohio - possibly with a firm whose products his father's business imported…
On March 9th, 1922, C.B. and his father's business [both are named on the application] made an application, #6923/22, for a patent for “Improvements in Clocks and Clock Movements”. Further amendments were submitted, and this process was completed on November 7th, 1922.
Patent #190,951 was granted on January 4th, 1923.
The full, four page, application is laid out below : -
Page 1 of patent application 6923/22 - click here for a laregr image
Page 2 of patent application 6923/22
Page 3 of patent application 6923/22
These four page images were downloaded from the official government Intellectual Property Rites website - that's how the patent office markets itself these days.
If you click on any of the four page images you will launch a larger version which you should actually be able to read.
I'm afraid should you want an explanation of the patent itself I'm going to have to leave you to read it for yourself - not that I can't understand it, but it would fill up too much BAYKO space!
Well, for the moment, that's about all the new information I can add on this subject I'm afraid…
Page 4 of patent application 6923/22
…except, perhaps, to comment that this application, though very far removed from BAYKO, clearly seems to support those who argue that C.B. Plimpton was the main driver of innovation…
…he clearly was a natural innovator.
Just think for a moment! Talented brains across the globe have been developing and improving the manufacture of mechanical clocks for approaching a thousand years, since the first Arabic water driven clocks were created!
To me it is no mean achievement to make significant developments beyond what all those predecessors had been able to achieve over a couple of centuries.
Oh alright then, you've talked me into it - the patent relates to a general approach to clock design intended to improve the method of securely fastening the clock movement into it's case. This is done in such a way that it can be achieved from the outside, significantly simplifying, and hence speeding up, the clock's final assembly timing - a boon in these days of mass production and the drive for optimised, cost effective operations. My guess is that it would also be popular with the repair shops for the same reason.
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